Monday, January 18

January 18th: MLK day

While most of my friends and family had the day off, my office was open and very busy today. Our CFO told me she wanted to meet with me this week to discuss my job transition, but 'will let me know when she has an opening.' At that rate, I may have to wait another month to find out the future of my job, and when I'm officially being laid off. I found plenty to do, and began clearing out my desk so that I won't leave anything to sort through once I do actually leave. I think that's the nicest thing I can do for my coworkers since they'll be absorbing my duties.

I got home and did some dishes, returned some calls, and then decided to get in a good workout. It's been a while since I've hit the gym. I've got a really bad ankle that I had surgery on a few years back, and I re-injured it a few months ago and haven't been able to work out in some time. It was a great feeling to sweat and work off some steam. I rewarded myself with a good dinner and hot bath, and I'm going to get to bed early. Let's hope tomorrow is a great Tuesday. I'm already anticipating the weekend.

Good night.


  1. Dear Ms. L.A.,

    I'm excited about your blog. I can honestly say that if I was a few years older and hadn't gotten married, I'd be just about exactly where you are. Funny thing is that that guy that I've known since 6th grade is the man I married. Cheers to us! Maybe, if you had time, you could consider writing a song?

    All my best,

